Collaborate and participate in many projects
Connect with professionals and experts around the world
Find your ideal job and internship
Collaborate and participate in many projects
Connect with professionals and experts around the world.
Find your ideal job and internship.

Opportunities are waiting for you

hotshi is the largest social network made up of professionals and experts involved in the development of Africa and its diasporas.

Les opportunités vous attendent

Hotshi est le plus grand réseau social composé de professionnels et d’experts impliqués dans le développement de l’Afrique et de ses diasporas.

The panafrican social network and beyond

One of Africa’s problems is unemployment and lack of opportunities. To overcome this, Hotshi is providing a variety of opportunities in employment and projects. Hotshi has succeeded in building effective networks in Africa and around the world. One of its priorities is to promote the creation and the growth of start-ups.


We do our best to optimize your experience to achieve your goals.


Collaborate and participate in many projects


Connect with professionals and experts around the world


Find your ideal job and internship


Grow your business in the best dedicated place


We offer the best technologies for an optimal user experience

Confidentialité des messages


Use our services with confidence powered by our crypto technologies.

messagerie instantanées

Instant messaging

Instantly send free messages to your contacts and professional groups with end-to-end encryption

hotshi IA

Artificial intelligence

Our AI allows you to optimize your daily experience

Free download now

Download app and connect to your network now


Minimum system requirements: Android OS 4.1 or later


Minimum system requirements: iOS 12.0 or later


hotshi is the largest social network made up of professionals and experts involved in the development of Africa and its diasporas. The platform allows the dissemination and access to many job offers and calls for projects in Africa and around the world, as well as the creation of tailor-made networks of professionals. Doing business for a convergent interest has never been easier thanks to the cutting-edge technologies provided by hotshi.

When starting the application, you will enter the login interface. Simply enter the email you use for your account and the dedicated password, then click on the “next” arrow icon

There are two types of account: “User” and “Company” accounts. The “User” account allows you to have a professional profile and the “Company” account allows you to create a page for your company, startup, institution or organization. To create your account, click on “register” by following the steps to follow. Once your information has been entered, an OTP code has been sent to the email address you have indicated for secure validation, you just need to copy it into the application.

You have an account but you forgot the password? Simply click on “forgotten password” and enter the email address of the account, an OTP code has been sent to you on this same email for secure validation, just transcribe it on the application.

The newsfeed on hotshi’s homepage is your first step towards finding interesting content from people who are potentially important to you. You can find companies, contacts, news about your relationships in the feed and share them with others.

Contact us

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

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