1.1 Contract

You acknowledge that by clicking on “Register”, “Register on Hotshi” or a similar element, by registering for, accessing or using our services, you agree to enter into a contract which is legally binding on you. If you do not agree to this agreement, do not click on “Subscribe” or anything similar and refrain from accessing and using our Services. If you wish to terminate this contract, you can do so at any time by closing your account and no longer using our Services.

This Agreement applies to www.hotshi.com, Hotshi branded applications, Hotshi Partners, Hotshi AI, and other Hotshi-related sites, applications, communications and other services that claim to be offered hereunder. Agreement, including off-site data collection for those Services, including our advertisements, and plug-ins. Registered users of our Services are “Members” and unregistered users are “Visitors”.

You enter into this Agreement with Hotshi also referred to as “us”.

You enter into this Agreement with Hotshi DAC (Hotshi) and Hotshi will control the personal data that you have provided to our Services, or that we have collected through our Services, or that we have processed in connection with our Services.

As a Visitor or Member of our Services, the collection, use and sharing of your personal data is subject to this Privacy Policy and its updated versions.


1.2 Members and Visitors

When you register for the Hotshi Services, you become a Member. If you have chosen not to subscribe to our Services, you can access certain features as a “Visitor”.


1.3 Modification

We may change this Agreement, our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy from time to time. If we make material changes to them, we will notify you through our Services, or by other means, to give you an opportunity to review the changes before they take effect. We recognize that changes cannot be retroactive. If you object to any of the changes, you can close your account. If you continue to use our Services after posting or sending notice of changes we have made to these terms, that means you accept the updated terms from the date they become effective.


2.1 Right to Services

The Services are in no way intended for people under the age of 16. To use the Services, you must:

be of the “Minimum Age” defined below or above;

have only one Hotshi account in your real name;

not have been prohibited by Hotshi from using its Services. Creating an account with incorrect information constitutes a violation of our terms, especially in the case of accounts registered in the name of third parties or persons under the age of 16.

The minimum age is 16. However, in the event that the law requires you to be older than indicated for Hotshi to legally provide the Services to you without parental consent, including the use of your personal data, the minimum age will then be that stipulated by the law.


2.2 Your account

Members are account holders. You accept :

use a strong password and keep it confidential;

not to transfer one or more parts of your account, such as relationships;

to comply with the law and the rules described here. You are responsible for all use of your account unless you terminate it or report abuse.

When it comes to relationships between you and others, your account is yours. However, if you use services purchased for you by a third party, the purchaser of the Service has the right to control access to said paid Service and to obtain reports on its use, but he does not have any rights over your account. Staff.

2.3 Rules

If you purchase any of our Paid Services, you agree to pay us applicable fees and taxes and to comply with additional terms specific to those Paid Services. Failure to pay these fees will result in the termination of your Paid Services. You also agree to the following:

Depending on the location of your transaction, foreign exchange transaction fees or different prices may be applicable to your purchase.

We may save your payment method and continue to bill you for it even after it expires, to avoid interruptions to your Services and to pay for any other Services you have purchased.

If you buy a subscription, if you want you can be automatically billed with your payment method at the start of each subscription period up to the fees and taxes applicable to that period. To avoid being billed later, cancel before the renewal date.

All of your purchases of Services are subject to Hotshi’s refund policy.

You can obtain a copy of your invoice in the settings of your Hotshi account, in your personal space.


2.4 Notifications and Messages

You agree that we will communicate notifications and messages to you by the following means:

in the Service;

sent to the contact details you provided to us.

You agree to keep your contact details up to date. Change your settings to control and limit the messages we send to you.

2.5 Sharing

Our Services allow you to send messages and share information in a variety of ways, including through your profile, articles and group posts, links to news articles, job postings, and posts. The information and content that you share or post may be seen by other Members, Visitors or third parties. In accordance with the available settings, we will respect your preferences regarding the visibility of content and information. By default, no notifications are sent to your connections or the public for job search activities. Therefore, if you apply for a job through our Service or choose to indicate that you are interested in a job, only the author of the job posting is informed.

We have no obligation to post any information or content on our Service. We may remove any information or content with or without notice.

Rights and restrictions

3.1 Your License Grant to Hotshi

As part of the relationship between you and Hotshi, you retain ownership of the content and information you submit or post on the Services, and you only grant Hotshi and its affiliates the following non-exclusive license:

A worldwide right, transferable and from which a sub-license may be granted, to use, copy, modify, distribute, publish and process the information and content you provide through our Services and the services of third party, without any other consent, notice and / or remuneration towards you or towards third parties. These rights are restricted as follows:

You can terminate this license for specific content by removing that content from the Services, or generally by closing your account.

Unless, as part of the Services, you have shared this content with others who have copied, re-shared or stored it,

Subject to a reasonable period of time necessary to remove it from backup and other systems.

We will not include your content in advertisements for third party products and services without your specific consent. However, we have the right to place advertisements near your data and content without our being required to pay you or to pay any third party financial compensation. Likewise, as specified in the Privacy Policy, your social actions may be visible and included in advertisements. If you use the functionality of a Service, we may indicate this by displaying your name and photo for promotional purposes on our Services, depending on your preferences.

We will ask for your consent if we wish to give third parties the right to publish your content outside of the Services. However, if you choose to share your post as “public”, we will enable a feature that allows other Members to integrate this public post with third-party services, and we will allow search engines to make this public content accessible through their services.

Although we may change your content or its layout from time to time, we will not change the meaning of your expression.

Because your content and data belong to you, and we have only non-exclusive rights to them, you may choose to make them available to others.

You and Hotshi agree that we may access, store, process, and use the information and personal data you have provided in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy and your preferences.

By submitting any suggestions or feedback on the Services to Hotshi, you agree that we may use and share this feedback for any purpose and without offering you financial compensation. You agree to only provide content and data that does not violate law and do not violate the rights of any person, nor any intellectual property rights. Likewise, you guarantee the veracity of your profile information. Under the law of certain countries, Hotshi may be obliged to remove content and information.


3.2 Availability of Services

You can change, suspend or discontinue any Service. We may also change our prices by giving you prior notice within a reasonable time to the extent permitted by law.

We do not guarantee that we will store or continue to display the information and content that you have posted. Hotshi is not a Storage Service. You agree that we are under no obligation to store, maintain or provide you with a copy of any information or content that you or others have transmitted to us, except to the extent required by applicable law and as described in our Privacy Policy.

3.3 Other sites, content and applications

While using the Services, you may be confronted with inaccurate, partial, delayed, confusing, illegal, offensive or otherwise harmful information and content. Generally, Hotshi does not review material posted by its Members or others. You acknowledge that we are not responsible for the content and information of third parties. We cannot always prevent this misuse of our Services and you agree that we are not responsible for this. You also accept the risk that you or your organization may be mistakenly associated with content about third parties when we notify your connections and those who follow you that you or your organization have been mentioned in the news. Members have choices on this feature.

Hotshi can help connect Members who are offering their services to other Members who are looking for those services. Hotshi does not and does not employ anyone to provide these services. You must be at least 18 years of age to offer, provide or procure these services. You acknowledge that Hotshi does not supervise, direct, control or monitor the Members who provide these services and agree that:

Hotshi is not responsible for the offer, provision or procurement of these services,

Hotshi does not endorse any Member for the services it offers,

Nothing can create an employment, agency or joint venture relationship between Hotshi and a Member providing services. If you are a Services Member, you represent and warrant that you are fully licensed and will provide the Services in accordance with our Professional Community Policies.

Likewise, Hotshi may help you register and / or participate in events organized by Members and connect with other Members who participate in such events. You agree: 1) that Hotshi is not responsible for the conduct of Members or other participants in such events, 2) that Hotshi does not endorse any of the events listed in our Services, 3) that Hotshi does not control or verify any of these events and 4) to comply with the conditions that apply to such events.

3.4 Restrictions

Hotshi reserves the right to limit your use of the Services, including the number of your connections and your ability to contact other members. Hotshi reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your account if you violate this Agreement or the law or your use of the Services is abusive.

3.5 Intellectual property rights

Hotshi reserves all of its intellectual property rights relating to the Services. The trademarks and logos used in connection with the Services belong to their respective owners. Hotshi, the Cori brand logos and other Hotshi marks, Service marks, illustrations and logos used for our Services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hotshi.


3.6 Automated processing

We use the information and data that you provide and that we have to provide you with recommendations for relationships, content and features that may be of use to you. For example, we use data and information about you to suggest job offers and recommend you to recruiters and vice versa.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability

4.1 No guarantee

Hotshi and its affiliates make no representations or warranties regarding the Services, including that the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free and provide the Services “as is” and “as available”. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, hotshi and its affiliates disclaim any implied or statutory warranty, including all warranties. Implied ties of title, accuracy of data, absence of infringement, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


4.2 Exclusion of liability

To the fullest extent permitted by law, Hotshi, including its affiliates, will have no liability arising out of this contract for lost profits or lost business opportunities, reputation, loss of data or any consequential, incidental damages, consecutive, special or punitive.

Hotshi and its affiliates will not be liable to you in connection with this contract.


4.3 Basis of negotiations and exclusions

The limitations of liability in this section form part of the basis for negotiation between you and Hotshi and apply to all claims for damages including if Hotshi or its affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damage, and even if these liability remedies do not fulfill their ultimate purpose.

These limitations of liability do not apply in cases of death or personal injury, fraud, gross negligence or willful misconduct, or in cases of negligence due to the breach of a material duty, an obligation substantial enough to warrant it. Make the prerequisite for providing services and on which you can reasonably rely, but only to the extent that the damage was caused directly by the breach and was foreseeable at the conclusion of this Agreement and to the extent that it is typical in the context of this Agreement.

You and Hotshi may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving notice to the other party. Upon termination, you lose the right to access or use the Services. The following stipulations survive termination:

Our rights regarding the use and disclosure of your feedback;

the rights of Members and / or Visitors to continue to re-share content and information that you have shared through the Services;

Articles 4, 6 and 8.2 of this Agreement;

any amount owed by either party prior to termination remains due after termination.

You can consult our customer support to close your account.

Applicable law and dispute resolution
This section can in no way deprive you of mandatory consumer protections under the laws of the country in which you obtain the Services, i.e. where you usually reside. You and Hotshi DAC agree that the laws of Ireland, excluding the rules on conflict of laws, govern exclusively any dispute in connection with this Agreement and / or the Services. You and Hotshi DAC agree that claims and disputes may be resolved only in Dublin, Ireland, and we each accept the in personam jurisdiction of the courts located in Dublin, Ireland.

General conditions
If a court having jurisdiction over this Agreement decides that one or more clauses are not enforceable, you and we agree that that court will modify them while retaining their purpose. If the court is unable to do so, you and we agree to ask the court to remove this unenforceable part and enforce the rest of the Agreement.

This Agreement is the only Agreement between us relating to the Services. It cancels and replaces all previous Contracts for the Services.

If we do not act on a breach of this Agreement, that does not mean that Hotshi is waiving its rights under this Agreement. You may not assign or transfer this Agreement to another person without our consent. However, you agree that Hotshi may assign this Agreement to its affiliates or an acquirer without your consent. This Contract does not contain any stipulation for others.

You agree that the addresses mentioned in section 10 are the only means of providing us with legal notice.

Hotshi’s Dos and Don’ts
8.1 To do

You agree to:

compliance with all applicable laws, including, but not limited to, privacy laws, laws relating to intellectual property rights, laws relating to unsolicited e-mail, laws relating to export controls, tax laws and regulatory requirements;

provide us with accurate information and update it;

use your real name on your profile;

use the Services in a professional manner.

8.2 Not to do

You agree not to :

create a false identity on Hotshi, forge your identity, create a Member profile for anyone other than yourself, or use or attempt to use someone else’s account;

develop, support or use software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means or process aimed at performing web scraping of the Services or otherwise copying profiles and other data from the Services;

override any security functionality or bypass any access controls or use Service limits;

copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Services, whether directly or through third parties, without Hotshi’s consent;

disclose information that you are not authorized to disclose;

violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyright, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or any other property rights.

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